
Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Outfit of the Day

Whew, the most company party ever was last week and I think I'm still mentally recovering! We had 300-400 guests, delicious food, excellent drinks, a pole dancer and Mokoma playing some metal music. Now when we make the next game that sells two million we'll do it all over again, but not in a few years ;D

Anyway, here's my outfit from the day after! I've been a bit busy as I'm trying to juggle doing most of the chores at home (my other half's ankle still isn't okay), driving school, organizing a kitchen renovation and plenty of work at the office. I only have a few driving lessons to go and then hopefully I'll pass the test and be able to ride my awesome golden SUV where ever I please.

The day after we did some shopping and popped for a few hours to a friend's housewarming party, then fell asleep on the couch at home. I guess staying up until six in the morning takes its toll. But I still looked fab!

Top - Rogue by Tiina Ulkuniemi
Jeans - Bik Bok
Boots - New Rock

We had a hairdresser come to the office before the party to make sure everyone who wanted got their hair done. I enjoyed the lovely curls for many days, here they are just slept in and brushed to one side. I've been lazy with my eye make up, but put on a soft smoky eye just because I felt like it. The lipstick is Lolita by Kat Von D, the perfect natural tone for my lips.


  1. Those curls look nice. That is pretty awesome that your work had a hairdresser come in!

    1. Thank you! My workplace is totally awesome, I agree ;D

  2. Oli kyllä mahtavat bileet! Ei ihme että kestää toipua :D
    Oi ihanat kiharat! Monesti kiharat muuttaa muotoonsa vaan parempaan parin päivän sisään ❤ Mua aina jaksaa ihmetyttää tuo tukan muhkeus! *___*

    ~ Frillycakes ~

    1. Kiitos! Ihan totta kyllä että monesti kiharat on parhaimmillaan vasta kun niissä on vähän nukuttu :)

  3. I really like this fad for shirts with hoods! Very witchy!
