
Sunday 25 November 2012


It might take a few days until I find the time to do a decent post, and this is why! There's so much stuff piled everywhere ;P


  1. looks like a lot of work - I feel with you, our moving is now exactly 1 year ago - but after the chaos is overcoming - you will enjoy your new place.

    And by the way: I would steal your chair, if I could <3

    1. It IS a lot of work! I totally underestimated the amount of stuff we have, but luckily everything fit in. We do have an extra dishwasher in the foyer and a sofa blocking the built-in cabinets, but still, it's inside the apartment ;P

      The place already feels like home and the cats have settled in nicely, so I'm very happy!

  2. Pakko tulla sanomaan, että bongasinpa sinut Ikeassa tänään varsin upeana! :)

    1. Ooh, kiitos! Toivottavasti olin just gootisti kattomassa mustia vessanpöntönkansia ;P

  3. Haha I like the random watering can! We moved in here just over 2 years ago now and we still have chaos! One of the spare bedrooms is jam packed with boxes and old furniture, it has become the dumping ground for stuff whilst we get each room in the house renovated one at a time. I just like to shut the door and pretend it isn't there haha! xxx

    1. In the previous apartment we piled stuff in the study, but now there should be no room for piles. My other half is keen on saving stuff he might need later on, but he's really stepped up lately and went through many boxes of saved stuff that had just been lying around. I'm very proud of him!

      We didn't get the wallpaper up yet, so there's a slight hiccup in the process, because then we can't put up the book shelf or place the TV where it belongs. But I'm sure things will work out, we have a bed and cats to keep us warm, what more could a person want? ;P

  4. I think it's important to tidy up the apartment just after moving in because there is a high risk to find a handy space for the boxes and they become quickly a part of the design of the room :p (believe me... I have boxes with useless stuff hiding behind a door :p)

    I hope you'll feel good in your new apartment :)

    1. I've already emptied almost all the boxes, only the one with my makeup and a few with miniature model stuff are still unpacked, and that because we have the leopard gecko terrarium where our bed should be, and that's keeping us from putting stuff where it belongs. The usual moving chaos ;D
