
Sunday 18 November 2012

The Orchid Is Blooming

The orchid I got from the supermarket early this summer is blooming! I'm usually totally useless with flowers, but the orchid and I really hit it off. This is the second time it blooms and now it has even more flowers than the first time.

We are moving on Friday and the apartment is a mess, most of the stuff is packed already and the cats love piles of boxes. They climb up on top of the boxes to take naps! I'm hoping our wallpaper will arrive on Tuesday so there would be enough time to put it up before the move, but we'll see. I still have some Christmas cards to paint and a flyer to design, but my other half will handle the last of the packing, so it shouldn't be a problem. I'm so happy everything is almost done, moving house is so stressful! 

Möttönen hiding in the kitchen shelf.

I hope the kitties will be fine with the new apartment! They haven't been too stressed with the packing, especially Möttönen is really enjoying herself. We have boxes that come flat, and as soon as you fold out a box, Möttönen will jump right in the check it out ;)

I might not be able to update the next few days, but I promise nice pics of the new home next weekend!


  1. I even kill cacti, so I would have no chance with orchid :P

    1. I thought the same about me, but orchids seem easier than cacti! I always drown the poor cacti since they are so small.

  2. I love that orchids can be bought at the supermarket. And that they don't cost an arm and a leg. Have a stress free rest of your move.

    1. I've been drooling over orchids when ever the nearest supermarket has them! I think I should have bought the one I found last time, but just didn't dare to get any more stuff to pack ;P It's really convenient they are so easy to get!

  3. I can't wait to see your new place, I know it's going to be beautiful! I don't tend to get stressed when I move house, probably because I've done it so many times, but I just find it exciting! I won't be moving anywhere for a good long while (hopefully not until I'm an OAP!) The prospect of making a house into a home totally outweighs the stresses of moving!

    I have been planning on getting an orchid for our living room for a long while now. Whenever I see them in the supermarket I'm always itching to get one, but my other half tells me to wait until we've finished the decorating - I'm impatient! I've already got the perfect pot to put it in! I hope mine will flower as nicely as yours!

    My Bella is exactly the same with boxes, she chews them to shreds and makes a huge mess but it keeps her entertained haha! Möttönen looks so regal!

    We put our wallpaper up today! It's such a good quality paper and a lovely thickness, the roll was much heavier than I had expected! We've only got it on our chimney breast so we only needed one roll! We just need to get new curtains and new carpet and we're finished! It's so exciting! ~♥~

    1. Thanks! I hope everything went well with your wallpaper! Ours arrived just a few hours ago and I'm itching to get it up all ready :) I've moved many times, but packing is always horrible! I never realize how much stuff there actually is until it's all packed and piled in a huge mountain of boxes and baggies.

      You should go ahead and get an orchid, it would fit your decorating style well! Just tell your other half I gave you permission ;D

  4. Me tehtiin viime muuton yhteydessä niin, että tuotiin kissat kotiin viimeisenä, kun oltiin jo saatu kaikki vanhat tutut huonekalut paikoilleen kissojen lempituolia ja kiipeilypuuta myöten. Sujui kotiutuminen tosi hyvin, kun tavallaan kaikki tuttu ja turvallinen oli jo paikalla :)

    Mä opiskelen parhaillaan floristiksi, ja olis aivan ihanaa ostaa joku orkidea, mutta meidän kisuilla on paha tapa syödä kukkivista kasveista kukinnot, joten enpä tiedä kauanko siitä olisi iloa :D

    1. Hyvä idea! Me taidettiin viimeksi tuoda katit vikana, mutta sillon niitä piti poimia kahdesta asunnosta ja elikoille oli vähän järkytys kun olikin uuden asunnon lisäksi uusia kavereita ;) Nyt mä toivon että ne "laumautuu" paremmin, kun muuttavat yhdessä, mutta saa nähä. Joka tapauksessa uuteen kämppään tulee Feliwayn haihdutin puksuttamaan pari päivää ennen muuttoa.

      Meillä kisut on aika innostuneita kasveista (uusinta herkkua chilikasvien lehdet), mutta orkidea on saanut vaan pari reikää lehtiinsä, kukat on saaneet olla ihan rauhassa. Eli voi olla kokeilemisen arvoista :) Mun orkidea on Lidlistä, niillä on usein edullisia tarjolla!

  5. When I moved earlier this year, my two cats were just loving all of the piles of boxes! After we moved, they freaked out a bit and it took them awhile to get used to their new space. Cats really don't like change!
