
Sunday 16 December 2012

Happy B-Day To Me!

Today is my birthday! To welcome my 29th year on this earth, I had invited a few friends to have a party. So yesterday evening we drank mulled wine with absinthe, ate cakes, gingerbread and pie, and listened to good music. What a fun evening! It was so nice that many people were able to visit, for some reason I'm always thinking no-one wants to come to my parties, but every time I end up having fun and lots of guests anyway!

Here's what I wore (taken today, I was so busy yesterday I had no time for pictures! I had dark tights and let my hair down yesterday, and didn't have the pretty hairband yet):

Dress - ReStyle
Shoes - Iron Fist (I didn't have shoes the whole evening, we don't usually wear them indoors. But the pics looked poop without them!)
Belt - Second hand
Hairband - A gift from Kerttu and Arttu!

I think this will be my new place to take outfit shots, so you can expect a lot of armpit lights in the future ;P The large mirrors help a lot when it's so dark, they multiply the light from the flash.

I was also overwhelmed how nice gifts I got, everything was like made for me!

Anniina's card was hand-made, with pretty glitter glue, lace and buttons!
Kerttu and Arttu got a pretty pink card, if you look closely it has tiny naked
angels on it ;P

And my superb gifts! A Cramps album, mango lip butter from the Body Shop,
Stargazer nailpolish, the coolest hairband ever, a shirt from Desigual and
a set of coloured markers. There was also a bottle of Glühwein, which I
didn't remember to take a picture of, but it looks delicious! 

Just look at the nailpolish, it's super pretty!

My other half got me some roses (that I got to pick myself) and he hinted
that a mysterious packet might arrive later, how exciting!

This was the biggest gift and one that I instantly found a place for! Thanks Sari and Marko!
Sari is a professional framer and I had been thinking of ordering a custom mirror for my vanity
for some time, and this one is just perfect! Big, dramatic frames and a great colour scheme,
just my kind of thing :)
I big thanks for everyone who came, I'm so happy to have great friends to have a good time with!


  1. Happy Birthday, Karoliina! You received some lovely gifts - the roses are beautiful and that's a great mirror ... :o)

  2. Hyvää syntymäpäivää! Saitpa ihania lahjoja! :)

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!! You look so beautiful in your red dress!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday to a beautiful fellow Sagittarius!

  5. Happy Birthday, you look lovely!!

  6. Happy birthday! I hope you had a great time! I think it is nearly about time I had a party, I haven't in ages! Armpit lights, hee hee! You look great!

  7. Happy Birthday! Glad to hear that you had a lovely time. And you looked wonderful as well.

  8. Meillä on sama syntymäpäivä! Ja ihana tuo hiuspanta, kelpaisi minullekin, tiedätkö mistä sellaisia saa? :)

  9. Happy belated birthday! I love your beautiful dress and the gorgeous mirror and roses! ~♥~

  10. Belated happy birthday! you look fabulous.
    and i envy the presents you got! d'ohh.

  11. Oh nice to know you were born in December too! I was born on 14th December! :D Happy Birthday Karoliina!! ♥ Also lovely dress!!

  12. Happy belated birthday! Your dress is beautiful!

  13. Thank you all so much! You make me feel all warm inside :)

    Heke, aika sattuma! En olekaan vielä tavannut ketään synttärikaimaa aiemmin :) En osaa kyllä sanoa mistä hiuspantoja saa, mutta voin tiedustella kun näen lahjan antajia seuraavan kerran. Panta on nimittäin tosi komea!

  14. Ooohw I'm so very late, oops! You looked so amazing on your birthday!!!! I seriously want that dress, so stunning. And you got great gifts!

  15. Such a cute dress! Happy belated birthday!
