
Tuesday 18 December 2012

Scaredy Cat Cosmetics

I already wrote about a few eyeshadows I ordered from Scaredy Cat Cosmetics, but here's a view of them all. I really love their packaging, every eyeshadow has a jar with unique stickers, an they all come in triangular jars I haven't seen anywhere else. I was silly an only took pictures of one side of the jars, they have stickers on two sides and you can see the colour of the eyeshadow on the third side. Also the lids are personalized, every one has the Scaredy Cat logo on top and a small strip of sticker that matches the large stickers.

Bear Necessities, Orbital, Y So Sirius, Peacock Blood and Muertos.

Peacock Blood, Bear Necessities, Orbital, Y So Sirius and Muertos.
The jars actually come with sifters, but I like to take them off to get easier access. I like to tap a little amount of the shadow on to the lid and pick it up with a brush from there. Without the sifters it easier to put the excess shadow back without spilling it.

Peacock blood is a blackened burgundy, totally works if you have green eyes!

My camera didn't pick it up well, it's more intense IRL.
Bear Necessities is a golden medium brown. I can imagine it would be gorgeous with blue eyes, but it also works well with darker or lighter browns.

Orbital is a pale taupe with a distinct green-blue sheen. Goes well with Bear Necessities or similar warm browns.

Y So Sirius is also a taupe, but darker and reddish. It's quite hard to describe and I haven't come up with good colour matches yet, but it's a very interesting shade.

Muertos is a dark gunmetal grey with tons of silver sparkle and a hint of blue, green and fuchsia glitter. Like a muted version of Sugarpill Stella, less glittery and more metal-like. And it absolutely has the prettiest label I've seen! It's a sugar skull with cross bones in a black, pink and turquoise colour scheme. 


  1. Ihania purkkeja! Mun täytyy laittaa muistiin tuo sivu :) En oo koskaan tilannut Etsystä, mut ei kai se vaikeaa ole... Hyvää synttäriä vielä!

    1. Kiitos synttäritoivotuksista! Etsystä on helppoa ja turvallista tilata, siihen saa vielä PayPalin tai luottokortin väliin että jos jostain syystä tuotteet eivät saapuisi, rahat saa kyllä takasin. Näissä on kyllä näteimmät purkit ikinä!

  2. Oh, I am tempted to buy these just for the beautiful pots! But my skin is so sensitive right now, thank goodness I have no money :P

    1. Maybe you can try them later, the shop also carries tiny sample vials that are very reasonably priced. Not as pretty as the full sizes, but that way you can easily (and cheaply!) test if the product works on your skin :)

  3. I love the packaging of these minerals! So creative :)
