
Sunday 26 January 2014

A Winter Wedding

My other half and I attended a most lovely winter wedding on Saturday. The party was great and it was so nice to see people I hadn't seen in a long time! I hope to visit Helsinki more often in the future to catch up with them!

I got a dress from GinaTricot for the event and shortened it. The extra fabric went to making hats for everyone at the bachelorette party and an ascot for my other half! The clutch is also new, I got it so I could have a smaller bag that I could keep in the large handbag I usually use. This way I could leave the huge bag at the cloakroom and only carry the small one with me. It's second hand and I really like it!

My hair is also a bit darker now. I was feeling upset over the roots the week before the wedding and my hairdresser didn't have any free appointments, but since I live with the most wonderful man, my other half volunteered to do the roots. He did a great job and it was so considerate! The colour is Alpine Green by Directions, I'd say it the same shade as Turquoise but darker. I think it suits me better than the turquoise, it was a bit too bright.

This one shows off the little hat!

Thanks to Nina for snapping a few pictures of us! There's so few pics where me and
the other half are together because usually one of us is behind the camera.

His ascot tie matches my dress perfectly and it looks cool! I even ironed the thing ;P
It was a great trip, with lots of friends and good food. I wish Touko and Johanna all the best in their married life and I'm very much looking forward to pictures from the honeymoon! Thanks for having us :)


  1. what a beautiful couple you two are. You look lovely

  2. You guys are beautiful! I LOVE your outfit. =D

    1. Thank you! I spent ages looking for a dress, I'm so glad I found this one!

  3. Replies
    1. Kiitos! Karvanaamankin kävi leikkauttamassa tukkansa pitkän pohdinnan jälkeen, siitä tuli tosi siisti :)

  4. Näytätte ihanilta yhdessä! ^^

  5. Gorgeous photos. Love your darker hair colour! Much better. Your other half looks lovely in a suit too - a stunning couple

    1. Thank you! I'm really fond of the darker shade in my hair :)

  6. You look so beautiful! The outfit is just so lovely!

    1. Thanks! I thought I'd feel weird in light colours, but the dress was very comfy and easy to wear after all! And my new purse matched it so nicely :)

  7. You look beautiful and you are a beautiful couple!

  8. lovely dress and your hair color looks fantastic!

  9. Oi, ihana uusi tukka! Mistä tuo bolero/minijakku on? :)

    1. Kiitos! Minijakkuhässäkkä on hankittu Goottikirppikseltä Facebookista, se taisi olla myyjän itse tekemä. Sais kyllä aloittaa massatuotannon, toi on niin nätti vaate!

  10. Ihania kuvia! <3 hei, olen tekemässä pian isoa arvontaa blogissani ja ajattelin laittaa yhdeksi kakkospalkinnon vaihtoehdoksi sinun etsy liikkeesi. Ihan vain varmistan että olet ok sen kanssa? :)

    1. Kiitos! Toki on okei, mä käynkin tarkistamassa että Etsyssä on listaukset näkyvillä että on jotain mitä ostellakin ;D

  11. You look great together. that dress was a great find, giving so much excess fabric for all the fascinators and your gentlemans ascot :D

    1. Thank you! I spend ages looking for a dress, I'm so glad I came across this one!

  12. Oh my God you two look amazing. Seriously. And there's always something about alternative people trying to dress formal! They always have that touch, and I love it. Even if you hadn't blu hair and all the piercings, one could always tell your style. That's what always happen to me: no matter how I try to fit in in some occasions, people always "smell" there's something "wrong" XD Well, I love your blog. I am officially a follower from now.

    1. Thank you so much! I so know what you mean, something is always a little off, like you are in disguise ;D Thanks for following my blog!
