
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Lady Gaga Jacket Shoot

I was supposed to write a review of my new jacket, but since I went a bit overboard with taking pictures with it, here's the results of a small photoshoot! Done with a black bed sheet and a chair at home, with lots of uninvited cats visiting the set ;D

The jacket is from Sammydress and I'll write the review shortly, but so far I like it. It looked so Lady Gaga with its pointy shoulders that I decided to pair it with no pants and high heels. I got the shoes for the wedding, they are great! They were on discount and made of real leather so I just couldn't pass such a good deal. The original price was 90 euros but they were down to 25 euros. And I have never before owned a pair of decent high heels with no straps that are actually nice to wear and stay on my feet well.

The pictures are a bit over exposed (because I used only one construction light to help with the lighting...), but I tried to turn it into a fancy fashion shoot effect. I watched an episode of America's Top Model yesterday, must be because of that ;P

I believe Möttönen the kitty is is four of the shots. Can you find her? ;D


  1. What a cool jacket! And that's some shoe sale! You look gorgeous, doll. I love the kitty tail in the first photo and the little sneaky face and paws under the chair. hehehe ... kitty photobomb!

    1. Thank you so much! The cats love to sleep on the chair, I think they were a bit pissed since I moved it and hogged all the space ;D

  2. Tuolin alla Möttönen! :333333 Kuulostan varmaan friikiltä, mutta menkööt - sulla on upeat sääret.

    1. Kiitos! Mä oon kyllä aika upea näistä kuvista, harvoin sitä tulee omia sääriä kuvista katseltua tai muutenkaan havainnoitua kovin hyvin, mutta näyttävät kyllä tosi edustavilta näissä!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! It's actually so cold in the apartment that I wrapped myself in some sweatpants and a huge cardigan right after finishing taking the pics ;P

  4. You are so adorable! Mottonen is hilarious.

    1. Thanks! I had one picture with two cats trying to smack each other on the head under the chair, for some reason it was the most coveted spot in the apartment ;D

  5. You do look like a top model! I love these photos,and the jacket :)

    1. Thank you so much! I watch an episode of the show here and there, they do have wonderful photoshoots in great locations! Except for the one where the models had to pose in a giant bowl of salad for some weird reason...

  6. Awesome pictures, you are so beautiful! 4, 5 and 6 are the best :) Jacket is cute and I like your lace body top, too :D

    1. Thank you! I'm really fond of the jacket, I'm sure it will see lots of use. I'm so light on the top that I think I can pull off huge shoulder pads easily. The lace body was a flea market find a few years back.

  7. You look stunning! That jacket is so cool!

  8. You look fabulous! I was wondering what the cats thought of the shoot, but I couldn't see them 'til I read The Professor's comment! My bird never likes when I dress up because he knows I might be going out!

    Ah, cats and their chairs! The reason we got this wing chair we have is because Jon's parents cat was clawing it up. Although after I got it, my little bird, Isambard, decided to chew on it a bit too and now there is some chewed piping on it!

    1. Thank you! The kitties love to lounge on the chair, so they must have been jealous ;D

  9. I love your hair in this shoot <3

    A Strangeness in me Blog

    1. Thank you! I really like how big it looks in these pictures, the secret is lots of dry shampoo ;P

  10. Love the jacket! I can see the cat under the chair!

    1. Thanks! For some reason the kitties just wanted to participate ;D

  11. really sexy -p
