
Monday 28 April 2014

New Corset Photoshoot!

I bought a new corset, so to bond with it, I made myself pretty and wore it, and asked my other half to snap a few pictures. The corset is a black and white striped underbust by DeadlyGirlz, I've been looking for ages for this one! The company doesn't make corsets any more, so it was tough to get a hold of one. I own their black PVC underbust with buckles on the sides and love it, so I knew how good the quality was. Deadlygirlz corsets are the sturdiest I've found, and they pinch you in at just the right places, creating an amazing hour glass figure! Both of my corsets are second hand, this one was found in Finland and the black one travelled from the UK to live in my closet.

I'm quite small, so many corsets don't take the waist in much. And if they do they can be very uncomfortable, since being thin I don't have much mass to shift in that area. The Deadlygirlz ones are cut just right for my body!

Now on to the pictures! They are taken in our living room with me standing on a chair to get enough free space behind me to show the wallpaper ;P I maybe should have done something with my hair, but maybe next time!

Just look at that curve at the waist!

That underarm area looks so naked now that the sleeve is taking for. I'm
thinking of getting more ink to cover it...

Necklace - Royal Deer Crest necklace from Taxidermia collection by A for Arsenic
Corset - DeadlyGirlz striped underbust in black and white
Skirt - Them Bones by Iron Fist
Hat - by me, it's called Betelgeuze

I have a thing for black and white stripey things (what kind of a goth doesn't? ;D) so my Betelgeuze hat matched the corset perfectly! I also have a skirt, shrug and there might be a pantyhose somewhere in my closet if I desire to do a total stripe overdose look ;P


  1. It really looks lovely on you! I'm also still looking for a nice corset but haven't had the luck to find something I like.

    1. Thank you! I hope you find a nice one soon :)

  2. Se on aina ihan huippua kun on etsinyt kovasti jotakin tiettyä jota on vaikea saada käsiinsä ja sitten onnistaa! Onnittelut korsettilöydöstä!

    Korsetit on ihania, minä en vaan osaa käyttää niitä. Minulla on pari vyötärökorsettia (tai yksi taitaa kyllä tulla ylemmäksikin) mutta en ole kertaakaan käyttänyt niitä, kotona vain ihaillut miten ihanan vyötärön ne tekevät. Minulla on sen verran tiimalasin vikaa, että jos haluaisin kunnolla istuvan korsetin niin se pitäisi melkein mittojen mukaan tehdä. Luulen. Tosin liikakilojakin on edelleen sen verran runsaari, että korsetin käytöstä on turha edes haaveilla.

    Ihania kuvia taas! Ja tuo Betelgeuze on kerrassaan valloittava, todellakin sopii tuon raitakorsetin kanssa täydellisesti yhteen! Näytät muutenkin erityisen kauniilta näissä kuvissa.

    1. Kiitos, ihana kommentti! Musta tuntuu, että korsetit tekevät dramaattisemmat kurvit vähän pyöreämmille tytöille, meikällä ei ole kauheasti mitä liikuttaa keskivartalossa niin minkäs teet. Oletpa onnekas että olet luonnostaan tiimalasi :)

  3. Gorgeous. = D I love the corset, it looks great on you. The last pic is my fav, you have this face of "are you talking to me?" haha.
    Btw, what lipstick you have on?, I like how it looks on the light.

    1. Thank you! It's a hot pink long lasting lipstick by Manhattan, I can't remember the shade name since they use random looking combinations of letters and numbers. I have better face pictures coming soon so you can see it better :)

  4. Actually there is a guy who makes corsets that look and feel similar to Deadlygirlz corsets. I'm going to make a blog post when mine arrives

    1. Interesting! I'll be looking forward to your post!

  5. Holly golly this is a stunning piece! I didn´t know about Deadlygirlz brand, however I did knew this model by some random pictures from the WGT I watched some time ago. And now totally want it. Jeez! Very jealous, hahah :P

    1. Thank you! I hope you find one for you, it's a great corset :)

  6. It's a gorgeous corset!
    Suits you amazingly.

    I love your make-up on these photos, as well as how your hair looks ♥

    1. Thank you so much! I was a bit self conscious about my hair, I just let it down and to me it looks like it's creased from being in a ponytail, but I'm very happy to know it looks nice!

  7. It looks really nice on you :3 And I agree completely: stripey things are awesome :3


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