
Saturday 2 May 2015

Cherry Trees

I love New York! People are friendly, public transportation is easy to use, the museums are great and everyone seems to love my pink hair :)

I still have one day to enhoy this place, then it's back to home and work.

Yesterday I went to Brooklyn to see the transit museum and blooming cherry trees at the botanical garden simply magical!


  1. that just looks simply beautiful. Glad to hear you are having a good time in NYC. The people are right, your pink hair rocks!

  2. New Yorkers always get thought of as assholes, but we are cool people ;)

    1. At least from my experience you really are! Everyone was very friendly and liked to do small talk, which I personally enjoy. Small talk is not really a part on Finnish culture so it was great to see how things work in other countries!

  3. Wait a second ... you were here, in my hometown?!? WAHOO!

    I agree with Spooki, NYers have a bad reputation, but we're really helpful, nice, cool, etc. The folks you need to watch out for are the transplanted hipsters who are trying to be "oh so cool" and "oh so much more NY than real NYers." They're assholes.

    1. I only met nice people! People were so friendly, I always got help at the subway if I just looked lost and was looking at my map, and I always got to the right place :) I really liked NY as a city, I think I have to visit again!

    2. And when you do make sure you let me know. :) Well, at least as long as I'm here. Who the heck knows where I'll be in the next two years ... tenure track professor jobs are scattered EVERYWHERE across the country.


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