Edit: The giveaway is now closed, thanks for participating!
To enter the giveaway, comment on this post and tell me what kind of posts do you like the most in my blog! For an extra entry, share a link to the giveaway in your blog and comment again with the link. Please remember that the link should be a new comment just to make my life a lot easier!
The giveaway is open internationally and will close on 12.8.2013.
But now on to the prizes! I bought some items from Germany, the eyeshadows were ordered from the States and there's jewellery made by me. The winner gets a package containing:
A purple glittery bat necklace from Claire's.
Skin Gems pack from Claire's (I was sad to notice one gem had come loose in the package, but all the rest seem to be fine).
A Lips2Last liquid lipstick by Manhattan is bright red.
A black "French Manicure Pen", which is a nailpolish pen meant for doing decorations, it has a nice small tip.
"Brine" eyeshadow sample from Detrivore Cosmetics (Detrivore samples are huge!)
"Throwing Stones" eyeshadow sample from Darling Girl Cosmetics
Clock hand earrings by me.
Ribcage cameo necklace by me.
Four eyeshadows by Darling Girl. The shades are Haute Berry, Faux Pas, Eclipse and Elvin Magic.
A pile of stuff! |
Clock hand earrings and the ribcage necklace. I really like the earrings, I have a pair myself and they are so light it feels like you aren't wearing anything on your ears! |
Skin Gems. There's the stupid one that's gotten loose from the base. I have a pack of these and just love the colour scheme. |
Bat necklace. I got one of these for me, too ;P It was just too gorgeous to pass, I need everything that's purple, glittery and bat-shaped! |
Darling Girl eyeshadows. These are the petit sized shadow, but they have quite a lot of product and come sealed with sifters. Haute Berry was a gift with purchase when I ordered these. |
Sample baggies. I tossed these in because both were such lovely shades and I own these already, now someone else can enjoy them! |
Good luck with the giweaway and thanks for reading my blog!
I like your EOTD posts!
ReplyDeletei enjoy your OOTD posts and posts about the events you visit the most <3
ReplyDeleteI like your outfit posts best. You have an amazing sense of fashion :)
ReplyDeleteI like your OOTD posts, I especially admire your party looks!
ReplyDeleteHello Karoliina!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your crafts & OOTD entries!
I love your outfit of the day- and makeup posts. Your fashion sense is just pure perfection.
ReplyDeleteI really love all kinds of posts! I like how you mix it up. :)
ReplyDeleteTykkään sisustus- ja vaatepostauksista :) Muistuttavat hyvin paljon sitä mistä itse tykkään, ja ovat mukavia katsella. Ja tietenkin kissakuvat <3
ReplyDeleteI also really LOVE the outfit posts! But I like everything else as well!
ReplyDeleteI love the EOTD posts.
ReplyDeleteYour outfit posts are awesome, gorgeous outfits!! Also i like your make up posts, giving us some ideas for make up!! I could say most of the themes are great :P Good luck to everyone and keep your beautiful work in here ^^
ReplyDeleteFirst I would like to say I am sorry that I am not able to share some links of yur blog, because I do not have one!
ReplyDeleteI really like all of your posts, hehe, sounds a bit creepy, but I am really enjoying your posts, especially on nails or home decoration!
I will follow you on facebook too, wish you all the best and send you lots of love!
Maria M.
Well cats are of course always lovely but I think I like best your makeup posts, especially eye makeup.
ReplyDeleteTykkään eniten katsella meikkejäsi, hienoja ja hyvin erityylisiä kuin omani, mikä tekeekin blogistasi niin mielenkiintoisen :) Pidän myös asupostauksista, smasta syystä. Oma tyyli on hyvin klassinen, ja ihailenkin kivasti ihmisiä joilla on omanlaisensa, erottuva tyyli.
ReplyDeleteTykkään erityisesti asupostauksistasi :) Niitä jatkossakin hurjan paljon! Tyylisi on aivan ihana :)
ReplyDeleteYour makeup and outfit posts are my favourites - I love your style! My second favourite posts are those with photos from events! What a cool giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteHankala valita, että mikä olisi se paras osa. Kiitokset kuitenkin tosi hyvästä kuvaamisesta, oli sitten kuvassa koko asu tai vaan lähikuvia erilaisten luomivärien vivahteista :)
ReplyDeleteKivointa on ollut kyllä varmaan lukea niitä juttuja, joissa olet askarrellut jotakin itse. Ne korut oli tosi ihania, olisi tehnyt mieli syödä ne. Ja satunnaiset kissat jaksaa myös ilahduttaa.
Mä tykkään asukuvista ja kaikista jotka liittyy joihinkin tapahtumiin joista mun laisella pulliaisella ei ole koskaan ollut käsitystäkään ennen kuin luen niistä sun blogista :) pitäs joskus kirjoittaa niitä ylös niin tietäis minne suunnata ens vuonna!
ReplyDeleteThis is a fantastic giveaway. Congratulations on getting 500 readers ^^
ReplyDeleteI enjoy outfits of the day posts and I would also like to see some posts - reviews about favorite products and maybe a simple how-to for jewellery if you would like to share it.
because I'm nosy, I like the posts about your apartment and cats. The photos of you other half are also nice, too!
ReplyDeleteThere are many :D but i love the most your make up posts and diy posts about crafting and stuff! I find you very 'artish' (if that's a word? XD)
ReplyDeleteMun mieleen on asupostaukset :) Ihania palkintotuotteita *_*
ReplyDeleteI like all kinds of your posts, but mostly outfit posts (I absolutely love your style) and crafts. :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I like outfit posts the most!
ReplyDeletePidän meikkipostauksistasi, mutta erityisellä mielenkiinnolla luen matkajuttujasi, joissa on paljon kuvia erilaisista tilanteista, esimerkiksi WGT-postaukset. :)
ReplyDeleteTykkään päivän asuista ja vähän aikaa sitten olleet Berliini-postaukset oli tosi hauskaa luettavaa, kun olin ite käyny just viikko sitten monissa samoissa mestoissa! :)
ReplyDeleteEOTD posts are my fave - your looks are always amazing :)
ReplyDeleteI really like your outfit posts but what I would love mostly is more hairdressing tutorials. I also have a half mohawk and I find very helpful your old posts about your hair.
ReplyDeleteloved your OOTD dear! :D
Uh, so many nice things!
ReplyDeleteI love them all, but most of all the bat necklace. I tried to order it from Claire's after your first post, but there was a problem with my order and they did not even try to resolve it. I was really disappointed, but still love the necklace!
I love your outfit posts, as it gives me so much inspiration.
And link:
Loved your outfits posts!
I'd love to see more of your DIY posts, which is how I found your blog initially and they're still my favorites. :)
ReplyDeleteI love your outfit posts, but I think my absolute favorite are posts of things you do, or places you go.
ReplyDeleteCongrats for 500 readers, you really deserve it! Thank you for taking the time to write!
ReplyDeleteI am also an admirer of your DIY posts - and of all articles about loose eyeshadows. The latter is still a bit difficult for me and you just rock them! :)
Hi!! really i love all your post. it's very difficult to choose only one!
ReplyDeletebut if i have to choose, i love your OOTD.
Wow, first, congratulations! Your blog is awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteI like the posts with make up or cloth - lifestyle? fashion? so to speak. It's really inspiring!
And I loved to read about how you got into computer games - as "Skii free" was one of my firsts as well. I loved the games on the windows 91! (Pipeline, and something else..hm..cannot remember.)
And I loved to read about your view of the goth scene - more reflections of the life style, going deeper into what it means etc. (That's my stuff :) contemplation.)
Well - that's all, I can remember - and yes, the blog posts you made when you were on Island were really inspiring as well. Didn't make a comment about it - should have - but, I loved to read about it!
Thanks for an awesome blog!
(And I actually wear the nail polish I won from you last year, the glittery one, I love it.)
/Ingrid (Rakel)
Hallo! Congrats for your beautiful blog which I'm sure inspires a lot of people.
ReplyDeleteI do love your outfit posts too but I have to say that your EOTD really inspire me. I actually like colorfull eyeshadows now! I wouldn't ever mix together purple and blue on my eyes but with you I saw how pretty it can be and started to play a little bit more with eyeshadows :)
Thanks for your blog and giveaway prize because it's one of the best!
Leonor (leotoscano@sapo.pt)
Wow! That's a ton of cool stuff!
ReplyDeleteEven though I almost never comment, I adore your outfits because I always end up wearing the same clothes every day (well, no.. ALMOST everyday xD) and I try to keep in mind the clothes you show and how you combine them so I can have a little bit of inspiration for getting dressed up, so that's what I like the most ñ-ñ
XO from Argentina!
Your outfit posts are amazing!
ReplyDeleteI like your EOTD posts a lot, and I also love seeing your kitties! M husband is allergic to cats, so I have to enjoy them through others. :) Your blog is an inspiration for me to keep up with my blog and not get lazy.
ReplyDeletei'm a huge fan of your blog and i wish i could see more of your outfit of the day posts :D
ReplyDeleteI think you're a gorgeous person that's very intelligent. So I'm pretty happy with whatever you post - though outfit's of the day are, of course, my favourite.
ReplyDeleteI really love your travel and outfit posts. And whenever you teach us something. ^_^
ReplyDeleteTykkään erityisesti sun asupostauksistasi. Matkustelusta kertovat ovat kivoja myös, itse kun en ole ikinä matkaillut oikeastaan missään :)
Mie tykkään erityisesti kaikista kivoista tapahtumapostauksista, joissa näkyy kuinka kivasti oot aina laittautunu tapahtumiin, bileisiin, festareille yms.
Pidän eniten asu-ja häppeninkipostauksistasi. Blogistasi saa aika hyvin tietoa noista pienemmistä klubeista/keikoista joista ei välttämättä ole pistetty tuonne feispuukin puolelle tapahtumaa pystyyn. :D Ja pidän myös siitä, että kisut vilahtavat välillä blogissa, kissojen ystävä kun olen!
Ja mulle lisäarpa, tässä linkki postaukseen! http://ravenoaris.blogspot.fi/2013/08/1st-anniversary-and-100-readers-giveaway.html
Sisustus- ja asupostaukset ovat varmaan eniten mieleeni :) Kissasi ovat myös upeita otuksia, olisi kiva lukea niistä joskus enemmänkin :)
Pidän erityisesti hiuspostauksista, hiuksesi ovat aivat upeat ja samoin tyylisi! Myös postaukset joissa olet itse väkerrellyt jotain, vaikka koruja jne ovat kivoja lukea.
Linkitin tämän myös omaan blogiini :)
Asukirjoitukset ovat tottakai niitä joita itte mieluiten luen, kun vaatehömppä on erityisen lähellä sydäntä! Asupostauksenhan voisit joskus tehdä videollakin, mikäli ajatus ei kauhistuta? ;)
I love your Outfit-Posts :) So beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAnd great giveaway ^_^
i like your OOTD post. you really have unique style
ReplyDeleteI love your OOTD [because your style is amazing and flawless] and your makeup posts :)
ReplyDeleteCongratz on the 500 followers, Karoliina! :3 I enjoy reading everything you post though I'd say that EOTD, outfit and diy related posts really grab my attention.
ReplyDeleteMä tykkään eniten meikkipostauksista ja toivoisin meikkikokoelmapostausta tai sun meikkipöytä/-paikkapostausta. :)
ReplyDeletesari piste susanna at hotmail piste com
Hius ja meikkijutut on kiinnostavimpia! Oot todella kaunis
Hius- ja asupostaukset on lemppareita, tykkään myös tapahtumavinkeistä. :)