
Saturday, 19 July 2014

White Floors

Whew, finally all the sanding and painting and carrying stuff is done! When we moved into the apartment almost two years ago, my other half and I discussed painting the floors but decided to skip it and maybe look into it later. Back then I painted only the bedroom floor so we can see how well the paint stays on and can it take the beating the racing cats give it. The paint was meant for floors but water based, so we were a bit unsure of how durable it would be. But the floor has stayed nice all this time, so we finally decided to go ahead and paint the rest of the wooden floors. The original colour was birch, if I remember correctly, a very yellow toned wood which was also quite soft, cat claws leave marks on it.

We started on Tuesday and finished today on Saturday. This included packing all the furniture from one room to another (we did the study and the living room), sanding two rooms twice and painting three layers on both. I'm really happy with the result, no more piss-coloured floors ;P I do predict that there will be more floor washing in the future, since the white shows stains easily. But since the bedroom that is the sort that you walk through it all day long has been okay and done well with the occasional floor wiping, I think everything will work fine!

The curtains are still knotted, I only now noticed ;D

I love how much light the white floor brings! On the left you can see our bookcase,
which is made of two Expedit units from Ikea stacked on top of each other.

Sleepy kitty. They were in the apartment the whole time, only shut in one room at a time.
It was sheer luck that when one kitty escaped he didn't run into the wet paint but
preferred hiding under the bed!

Booze, books and a cosy chair. What more could you ask?

White brings out other colours, the carpet looks a lot brighter than it did on yellow floor.

The kitties are sleepy since they have been climbing on stacks of stuff and running
around in the empty rooms endlessly ;D

Sleepy like this.
I'm so proud we did everything by ourselves. A big thanks goes to my dad for lending the sanding device thingie, sanding by hand would have taken for ever! And that machine is a miracle, it's apparently older than I am but worked great. The project cost us around 170 euros, that includes the paint, a paint roller, masking tape, two handles for rollers and sand paper. We had a few paint brushes and one roller already. Everything went smoothly, no cats running on wet paint, long enough drying times. Now we just need to find a place for all the stuff floating around the place, it always seems things multiply when you try to pack them away!


  1. Looks awesome! It really does bring so much brightness into the room! And those chairs are beautiful

    1. Thank you! I'm very happy with how much light there is now :)

  2. Looks great! Painting floors is no easy task, especially with kitties running around.

    1. Thanks! It was surprisingly easy! Only one escaped kitty, and he didn't go to the wet floor. Luckily! But it was hard work, even with two people able to work full days it still took a long time.

  3. well done! The kitties approve.

    1. They seem very happy since the paint gives their paws a better grip than the old floors did, so cat racing is on! ;D

  4. Oi miten kaunista! Ihana idea :B

    1. Kiitos! Tuli kyllä paljon valoisampaa. Luulen että talvella vasta näkee koko muutoksen kun saa vaeltaa hämärissä päivin öin, sentään kotona on sitten kunnolla valoa ;D

  5. Mä olen ajatellut meidän 70-luvun parketin hiomista ja maalaamista muutosta asti. Ärsyttävää on, että alakerran huoneet on kaikki yhtä tilaa enkä tiedä minne saataisiin kaikki tavarat siksi aikaa.

    1. Mä luulen että lattiamaali voisi kyllä levittyä aika kiltisti ilman isoja rajoja vaikka tekisi osissa yhtenäisen alueen. Me käytettiin Betolux Akvaa, se kuivuu jo tunnissa niin että voi kevyesti tepastella päällä, joten ei tarvinnut myöskään olla loukussa millon missäkin huoneessa kovin kauaa ;P

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! I really like them, aside from looking pretty they are very comfy to sit and the cats love to nap in them :)

  7. Näyttää aivan ihanalta!

  8. That is so awesome! Good job! It looks great. =D

    1. Thanks! I'm really happy with the result!

  9. Oi noi tuolit on niin ihanat <3<3

  10. Ah it looks great, the white really does pick up the light and make the house bright but it does not seem too plain because of your bright chairs, curtains, etc! Great work! Now to make everyone take off their shoes to avoid dirty footprints, ha ha!

    1. Thank you! Luckily in Finland we always take shoes off at everyone's home, so the only ones leaving dirty prints should be the cats ;D

  11. Very inspiring colour palette!
    I really love how bright it looks ♥

  12. Kiitos! Tää on kyllä ihan mun unelmakämppä, sopiva koko ja sijainti, tykkään kauheesti korkeista huoneista :)

  13. Your kitties are really cute.


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