I've done a no-shopping January and did okay, I only bought a sofa, half of a vacuum cleaner and shopped on one weekend (which I had promised myself in December! So it's not cheating!). I'm thinking of trying to buy only ten items in February, but I already have a long list of stuff I want...
Like some more false lashes! I'm looking for something like the third pair from top, something full but not too long. Maybe some cheap ones from ebay, or if I'm feeling rich I'll shop at Madame Madeline. Last time I got a latex-free glue by Revlon and I've been really pleased with it.
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Picture from mystylebell.com |
Cool shoes! These are by DSquared and are waayyy out of my price range, but they look awesome. I have my eye on some replicas, if I can find ones that look decent and don't fall apart the instant I put them on my feet.
Melissa Amazonas shoes have been on my wish list for some time. I have purple flat peep toe shoes by Melissa, but they are a bit too small for me and haven't stretched at all. The material is very nice so I might splurge on the Amazonas in black once summer arrives.
Also on my list are some Lime Crime lipsticks. I wouldn't touch their eyeshadows and the new upcoming palette doesn't interest me, but the lipsticks in Styletto (black) and Chincilla (grey) look nice. I'm also fond of the packaging. I don't own anything by Lime Crime at the moment and might look into finding some other good black lipstick as a substitute. I have one from Evil Shades, but it's gone dry because I didn't close the cap tightly enough :(
I'm also drooling over Detrivore Cosmetics eyeshadows, I have to have Livor Mortis!
Bonus pics from the Game Jam! Here I'm giving a pecha kucha presentation on lolcats. The subject was free and I only had two days to prepare, so in the end I chose kitties because everyone loves kitties!
Lolcats make me lol |
A picture of the game we made. We had five people working for 48 hours and we did an epic sledding game for Windows Phone, it's called Samuel L. Jackson's Super Sledding '86. The inspiration was Nintendo era sports games which usually had some sports celebrity's name on the cover but the games was just regular golf or basket ball game. Well, our's has Samuel L. Jackson all through it! His face is on the could, on trees, he's sledding and giving commands. We had tons of fun!
You can download the Windows version here: Samuel L. Jackson's Super Sledding '86 It's super easy, because the game is optimized for the phone, but I thought it was still quite fun.
Samuel is doing an awesome stunt |
Ainakin on Morganalla musta huulipuna, ja useempiakin harmaita/harmahtavia :)
*kirjoittaa ostoslistaan* Mä olin jotenkin unohtanut käydä kattomassa niitä uusia, nyt kyllä keskiviikkona lähtee niin että mastercardissa tuntuu! ;D
Deletejoo, mä ostin jo sen lipstick coven-jäsenyydenkin. :D shoppailutottumuksensa tuntien vähintäänkin maksaa ittensä takasin. en oo varma löytyykö sitä mustaa enää muualta kuin sieltä covenin jäsenalueelta, mutta licorice-nimellä on jos on. lysette on taas tosi kiva vaaleenharmaa/-lila. toivottavasti löytyy lime crimelle vaihtoehto ;D
ReplyDeleteMulla on normi goottimustahuulipuna eli Manic Panic'n Raven. Itse tilasin juuri eilen Livor Mortisin sekä 9 muuta Detrivorelta (juuri kun 5 edellistä luomiväriä tipahti luukusta eteiseen) :D Morganan tilausta odotan vielä ennen kuin ehkä liityn kanssa lipstick coveniin. Mulla on taas ollut aika älytön shoppailukuukausi niin ehkä voisi ensi kuussa hieman hidastaa tahtia... As if...